The City of Albany and the Albany Chamber of Commerce and Industry want to put your business on the map – The Maritime Festival Maritime Menu Map! Showcasing Albany’s unique produce and providores, the Maritime Menu Map will lead locals and visitors on a culinary adventure around the City and broader region, with each participating hospitality business hosting a special maritime menu delicacy or two during the month of July.

The Maritime Menu Map will be distributed across the State and widely promoted on social media in the months leading up to the Maritime Festival, which will be held in July 2022. All you have to do to get your business on the map is develop a maritime themed menu item – it could be a seafood dish, a maritime themed drink or dessert – anything you like! We would love to see the Great Southern region’s produce used in these dishes. Please provide the details of your menu item, together with your business name, address, contact details and opening hours during July, and the City and the ACCI will do the rest.

There is no cost to participate. The Maritime Festival Maritime Menu Map will be supported by a state-wide marketing campaign that will showcase your business’s participation. For more information, please contact Louise Paterson, Manager Community Relations at The City of Albany on phone 6820 3020 or Lisa Smith, CEO at the ACCI on phone 9845 7888.